"undead dolly" 2021.
“ben&scaries: biden is the only creepy white guy for me! VOTE JOE!"gif. 2020.
"Devil's Choice" 2019.
“ben&scaries: it’s the spray tan swirl for me... this ice cream SUCKS don’t buy it!” gif. 2020.
"antivax nightmare." 2021.
"drink up, bitch!" 2020.
“ben&scaries: if you see this CREEP rolling the streets you better RUN bitches!” mp4. 2020.
"talk dirty to me!" 2021.
"devil donut #2" 2021.
"Devil Donuts" 2019.
"cowronavirus." 2020.
"in pizza we crust" 2020.
commemorative piece for my cousin and his baby.
"zombabe" 2016.